Wykład „The pharmacological landscape of modulators of insulin secretion”

Data wydarzenia
Miejsce wydarzenia
Wydział Farmaceutyczny WUM, ul. Banacha 1, Sala Olszewskiego. Godz. 15.30
Opis wydarzenia

Serdecznie zapraszamy na wykład dr Jérémie NEASTA z Uniwersytetu z Montpellier  (The Institut des Biomolécules Max Mousseron), który wygłosi wykład „The pharmacological landscape of modulators of insulin secretion”

„The pharmacological landscape of modulators of insulin secretion” dr Jérémie NEASTA 
Molecules of natural origin and their derivatives have long been a prolific source of biologically active compounds. Indeed, these agents possess a chemical and structural diversity that can be used to modulate the activity of pharmacological targets and therefore the associated cellular processes. In addition, many natural products and in particular dietary compounds, are also characterised by their multi-target nature.
In this context, we will present results showing that a number of phytochemicals are capable of directly targeting pancreatic β-cells to modulate insulin release, a cellular process that is fundamental to glycaemic control. Our functional and mechanistic studies also highlight the diversity of the pharmacological landscape of naturally-occuring molecules, in particular flavonoids, on pancreatic β-cell function. Therefore, careful characterisation of the pharmacological profile of natural products in a wide range of cell types is a crucial route to understanding their biological properties or exploiting them pharmacologically.